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Lt. CD-R Dougan’s jet has been expertly prepped by the ground crew and stands ready to engage any hostile aircraft that may invade sovereign airspace. The Sea Harrier was designed to operate from a new generation of smaller British carriers and provide air protection as well as offer an air to ground ability. Sadly all British Harriers have now been taken out of service but some live on like this one as ground instructional airframes for our next generation of technicians.

Ref: PS070

Date: 19/04/2017

Location: RAF Cosford

Photographer: Karl Lucas

Sea Harrier

Lt. CD-R Dougan’s jet has been expertly prepped by the ground crew and stands ready to engage any hostile aircraft that may invade sovereign airspace. The Sea Harrier was designed to operate from a new generation of smaller British carriers and provide air protection as well as offer an air to ground ability. Sadly all British Harriers have now been taken out of service but some live on like this one as ground instructional airframes for our next generation of technicians.

Ref: PS070

Date: 19/04/2017

Location: RAF Cosford

Photographer: Karl Lucas