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Vapour streams from its leading edges as the Spanish Hornet pulls up into a near vertical climb.
Beautiful clear blue skies are always nice but a moody backdrop always delivers the best image. The damp in the atmosphere is causing the vapour to form giving the image a greater sense of power.

Ref: RF080

Date: 16/07/2017

Location: RIAT Fairford

Photographer: Karl Lucas

Spanish FA-18 Hornet pulls up sharply with vapour off the wings

Vapour streams from its leading edges as the Spanish Hornet pulls up into a near vertical climb.
Beautiful clear blue skies are always nice but a moody backdrop always delivers the best image. The damp in the atmosphere is causing the vapour to form giving the image a greater sense of power.

Ref: RF080

Date: 16/07/2017

Location: RIAT Fairford

Photographer: Karl Lucas